5 Candle Trend Reversal Pattern

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5 Candle Trend Reversal Pattern

  • Focuses on identifying trend reversals using price action, independent of indicators.
  • Designed to help traders capture potential reversals at the top and bottom of trends.
  • Includes a systematic approach to validate reversals using patterns formed by the 3rd and 5th candles, reducing exposure to consolidation phases or false trends.
  • This is a price-action-based trading technique focused on identifying trend reversals across various timeframes, from 5 minutes to monthly charts. It is designed for traders who aim to make informed decisions without relying on traditional technical indicators.

How Does it work ?

  • Traders learn to identify the 5-Candle Trend Reversal Pattern on price charts.
  • After identifying the pattern, traders wait for confirmation of a trend reversal.
  • Once the reversal is validated, traders can consider opening positions in the new trend's direction.


  • Avoids lag typically associated with indicator-based systems.
  • Flexible and adaptable to changing market conditions.
  • Usable across various timeframes and trading styles, including intraday, swing, and positional trading.
  • Note:
    This strategy aims to provide educational insights into price action trading. The effectiveness of any trading approach depends on market conditions, trader discipline, and risk management. Past performance or specific outcomes cannot be guaranteed.

Salient Features of the trading strategy

  • Indicator-Free Approach: The strategy focuses on price action and does not rely on technical indicators, making it straightforward and effective.
  • Versatility Across Segments: Applicable to trading in commodities, equities, and derivatives.
  • Adaptable Timeframes: Usable on any timeframe, from 5-minute charts to monthly charts, catering to various trading styles.
  • Flexible Trading Styles: Suitable for day trading, swing trading, and positional trading.
  • Software Independence: Can be implemented using any standard charting software, such as PI, KITE, or NEST.
  • Defined Logic for Entries and Exits: Helps in identifying specific entry and exit points with predefined stop losses for better risk management.
  • Cost Efficiency: Eliminates the need for expensive advisory services or tip providers, saving traders significant monthly expenses.
  • Ease of Understanding: More straightforward than traditional charting methods, with clear and logical explanations.
  • Comprehensive Guidance: Strategy and methods are explained in simple language, with supporting examples and visuals for easy learning.
  • Suitable for Professional Traders: Designed for those looking for a disciplined and structured trading approach.
  • One-Time Learning: A one-time investment in learning the strategy can provide long-term benefits.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

What is Premium Plan & its benefits ?

How the 5 Candle Trend Reversal Strategy will be shared ?

Can 5 Candle Trend Reversal technique be used for any commodity, future or equity ?

How much time does it take to learn the strategy ?

What will be the Stop Loss for this strategy ?

What will be the Target for this strategy ?

What is the Risk Reward Ratio ?

What is the success rate of the 5 candle trend reversal pattern?

What is the minimum capital required for trading this strategy ?

In what time frame does 5 Candle Trend Reversal Technique work ?

Is it a software system ? Do i need any additional software's or data feeds ?

Are you SEBI Registered ?

Do you provide tips or any advisory calls ?

How the after sales support will be provided ?

Is this strategy suitable for everyone ?

Who should not use this strategy ?

Is it a intraday or positional strategy ? 

Will you teach the strategy or take online class ?

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